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Yoga Teacher Training Experience

Six years ago, five beautiful souls and I started a journey. I was not sure of how things would turn out or if I was ready for it. Looking at the picture of the last day of training, I am so happy we took that yoga journey together. I have done many more trainings after that first one in 2016/17 but I remember feeling nervous about starting each time.

Starting a yoga teacher training can feel intimidating. Am I ready for this? Do I really have what it takes to teacher yoga? Can I do all the poses? Do I have the energy to commit to a 6-month program? I had all those feelings. Both when I took my first yoga teacher training and when I ran my first yoga teacher training. Taking those leaps of faith and starting the yoga trainings has enhanced my life in so many wonderful ways.

Next month we start another yoga teacher training. Some of the Hippie Yoga teachers will be popping in with their experiences and knowledge. I am super excited to collaborate with everyone involved in this training program. There is still space for a couple more brave souls interested in joining us in this journey.

If you are interested or just curious about Hippie Yoga’s Teacher Training Program, please reach out to me so we can chat.


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