Ed started his yoga journey about 12 years ago when his work started offering a stretch class at lunch time. He's been a regular in yoga classes at Hippie Yoga since 2015. Here is what Ed says about his yoga practice.
"I like to call myself the “King of improvision”, tight hamstrings and limited upper mobility from two frozen shoulders, I’ve had to alter most poses, I could be the poster child of non-flexibility. This I why I believe Yin is my favorite class, the one that I receive the most benefit from and the one that I enjoy the most. There’s nothing better than the relief you get after settling into a Pigeon (my favorite pose) for a few minutes.
Being a regular at Hippie Yoga my flexibility has greatly improved, Happy Baby which was a great struggle for me is now part of my practice. My next challenge “Bow Pose” without any props."
Say Hello to Ed next time you see him in class.