As we approach the end of the year, it is nice to review Hippie Yoga’s policies and make you aware of any new policies.
· Register in advance. We have a limited number of spots available. Registering before class ensures you will have a spot for class. This also helps the check in process run smoothly. Please make sure you do check in with the teacher as you are walking in. If you are having issues with your log in, please reach out to MindBody or April for assistance.
· Arrive on time. This really means about 5 minutes before class starts. We start class on time, and you will not be able to attend class if you are late.
· No phones. It is best to leave your phone in your car but if you bring it in make sure it is silenced. No phones in the studio space.
· Smart Watches. If you wear a smart watch to practice, please make sure you silence the notifications.
As of January 1, 2023, Hippie Yoga will be initiating a late cancellation fee. You will have a 2-hour window to cancel your reservation for class. If you do not cancel your reservation before 2 hours, do not show up for class or are late to class there will be a $10 fee charged to your account. This late cancellation policy is standard in the industry. It helps hold you accountable for attending classes and helps keep you working towards your wellness goals. If you are unsure of how to cancel your reservation, please reach out to April.