Meditation has so many benefits, both physically and mentally. Just do a Google search on benefits of meditation and you will be overwhelmed with how many benefits you get from meditating. I have found that the benefits come when you have a consistent meditation practice. Even 5 minutes a day can have a huge impact on your wellbeing, if it is consistent.
Just like starting any new habit, it can be easier if you have incentive and support. This is one of the reasons I do the meditation challenge every year. The challenge is the incentive to start meditating and we are here to support you in jump starting or restarting your meditation practice.
Join Hippie Yoga for our February Meditation Challenge. This year’s Challenge is a 28-day challenge. Here is how it works.
· Register for the Challenge. $10 registration fee.
· Commit to meditating at least 5 minutes every day for 28 consecutive days. If you skip a day you need to start over at day one.
· Download the Insight Timer.
· The challenge starts February 1st and ends when you complete 28 consecutive days of meditation.
· Every day in February you will receive an email. The emails will contain best practices for starting and maintaining a consistent meditation practice, links to guided meditations in Insight Timer, information on different style of meditation and discounts to in person meditations.
· We will be here to support you with challenges that may come up and answer questions about your meditation journey.
· After you have completed 28 consecutive days of meditation you will receive a “Highly Meditated” Certificate. You will need to send Hippie Yoga a screen shot as proof of your 28 consecutive days.
Who is ready to get “Highly Meditated”?