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Writer's pictureHippie Yoga

9 Years!

This month we celebrate Hippie Yoga’s 9-year anniversary. Each anniversary I like to reflect on my own yoga journey. It is nice to look back and see the transformation.

I started practicing yoga with a DVD about 28 years ago. I remember it because it was when my first daughter was just a baby. Being a new mother was stressful for me and I needed some way to move my body to help relieve some of the stress. As a new mom I did not have a lot of time or support so I started doing a 20 minute yoga DVD. Practicing yoga helped me accept my changing body and helped calm my mind. I was hooked.

Over the years my yoga practice ebbed and flowed. Life happened and I would leave my yoga practice for a while. Somehow I always found my way back to the mat, whether that was in a studio, gym or at home. Yoga has carried me through some difficult times in my life and I am grateful for its gentle guidance.

It took me a few years of looking and planning before I could take my first yoga teacher training program. I knew I wanted others to receive some of the benefit of yoga like I did. In the program I loved learning about yoga philosophy, anatomy, meditation and why yoga made me feel so good. I continue to be amazed with how yoga and our bodies work.

I started teaching yoga right away and loved it. I knew then I would open a yoga studio one day. A few years later, after teaching, dreaming, and planning; Hippie Yoga opened in September 2014! I had no idea what a beautiful crazy journey owning a yoga studio would take me on.

Over the last nine years my life, my yoga practice and Hippie Yoga has changed so much! There have been good times and stressful times. Through all the good and difficult times, seeing the impact yoga has made in other people lives has been incredibly rewarding.

I hear stories from students about how yoga has helped them have less pain, feel calmer and move with greater ease. I hear stories about how students never thought they could do yoga and are now Hippie Yogis. I hear students happily greet each other before class and ask about students with concern if they have missed classes. I love seeing the welcoming community Hippie Yoga has grown into and am honored to be a part of it.

I would love to hear your yoga story. Please leave a comment about your yoga journey.

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