I am passionate about meditation. It is one of the things that has made a big improvement in the quality of my life. I had dabbled in meditation here and there but when I started a consistent practice of meditation that is when I felt a shift. I started to feel calmer, and less reactive. I slept better and found that focusing on task was easier.
I wanted to start meditating consistently so I gave myself a challenge. I would commit to 40 consecutive days of meditation. I started with only 5 minutes. It took me about four months or more to get to the 40 days the first time I did this. It was the weekends that threw me off as my schedule was different.
Each year in February I encourage everyone to commit to this 40-day meditation challenge with me. I am human, and life gets in the way sometimes and I slip on my daily meditation. This challenge helps me get back to a daily meditation practice. I will be doing the challenge with you!
The meditation challenge starts Tuesday, February 1st. If you are interested in joining me for the 40-day meditation challenge join me Monday, January 31st at 5:30 pm on Facebook and Instagram LIVE. I will talk about what to expect when you start meditating. I will give you some tips and tricks to start and keep a meditation practice going. Answer your questions about meditation.